Saturday, 25 July 2009

Summer Is A Going On

Hot Diggidy Dog, The august month of August hoves into view and we're sluicing flood debris out of the back doors already. Global warming? 'tis more global wetting. I had a great time supporting and listening to Geraint Watkins and Robbie McIntosh the other week. Google the guys and feast your ears on some fine playing. Stackridge, for various reasons, are off the scene for a month or so, but fear not MSB are up and at 'em at various locations (see gig guide on this page) and I'm doing a few gigs with friends. On these occasions rather than batter your senses with my own material I choose to destroy the good works of others (Tom Petty, Paul Weller, Norma Shearer, et al). If you have the misfortune to be in my viscinity on one of these shows take pity and hand me a pint of Staropromen and try not to look too disappointed - I bruise easily. Yoiks, and futhermore, Tally-Ho! Mutter

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Another Month Another Fist of Hangovers

Bonjour mes braves, How's it going? It's been a bit full on in the land of Slater I can tell you. The old lager support system (ie work) has reached the inevitable seasonal fever pitch: weddings here, school commems there, and burials thither. The gigging has picked up too with the solo stuff, MSB and Stackers. The Stack album ( A Victory For Common Sense ) is due for release on the 13th July and we await a galaxy of stars in magazine and paper reviews (we've got 4 in August's Mojo already so we're well on the way). It took me much too long to get to Ruislip and back in the car and Druidstone was no better, anyone out there with a teleportation system up for grabs give me a call, I'm your man. Mutter