Monday, 14 July 2008

Hello folks

I am determined to start at least one of my drooling rambles without an apology for my remissness, lassitude and forgetfulness. If that sounds like an apology, I'm scuppered from the off. Yes, The Mutter Slater Band does exist and it is not the product of a deluded mind bobbing on a sea of Stella Artois (Stella, my dear, any form of sponsorship will be appreciatively consumed by me).

The much mooted album (hereinafter known as 'Riding a Hurricane') is limping down the home straight. Just three more days in the studio and the mighty opus will be well and truly nailed to the coffee table. Those of you in cyberland who wish to purchase a copy will not even have to travel to a gig or contact us to get one, all you will have to do is enter your local record shop and order one because Graham Jones of Proper Distribution has rather rashly taken the project under his wing and he will make sure that the little gem contaminates the farthest reaches of the land. The mooted time of release is mid to late March - as soon as I have a definite day I will let you know. We have been rehearsing like blazes to tighten up the already tight band ( for once ' tight ' does not refer to boozing ) and we have aired our progress at one or two local gigs. We will continue to do this over the next few weeks, so that when we venture further afield around the time of 'Riding a Hurricane' there will be some danger of us sounding as though we know what we're doing - no guarantees of course. Be assured dear reader, I DO want you to hear us! I'm just crap at organising the logistics. That's why I've enlisted the help of Adrian Collis of Thoroughbred Music to try and manage that side of things. If you want to glean any more info why not cast your eye over their web site

Please keep in touch despite my protracted absences.
